I did it.
I bought a Nono! ♥

It’s a really strange feeling to now have my dream doll actually be mine! I haven’t even taken her out of the box yet; I really want to “celebrate” it adequately. When I had the chance to see her in person at Dolpa, I knew I was in trouble! She’s a lot cuter in real life than in the promotional pictures. I thought that perhaps I wouldn’t really like her in real life, but I really like her in real life! The fact that no-one else bought her during the time I was there made it clear that she & I were meant to be!
My husband (being a smart and concerned husband) didn’t want me to spend the money on another doll, but he understood my conundrum. He even okayed the purchase of eyes and a wig for her, since her default eyes are kinda scary. (Although that’s mostly me and my dislike for acrylic eyes; I much prefer glass.) I missed the chance to buy the “Long Ringlet Pigtails” wig in “peach cream” while I was at Dolpa–I saw how pretty it was, hesitated because I didn’t own the doll, and someone else bought it! (I’m sure they’ll love it for their doll! ♥) I also got her some black HG glass eyes; I really liked some of the example pictures.
(I’m thinking about blue eyes for a future pair, though. They look so good in the pictures of Nono modeling the school uniform!)

This picture makes me want a Mimi to accompany my new Nono! And I want to steal her curly and fluffy wig.
I’m hoping to start my weekend off by opening and finally enjoying my new doll~ ♥ It should especially be fun because I expect to see a friend of mine who also recently bought a Nono, who is coincidentally also her dream doll! It will be interesting to see how differently we each imagine and shape the same doll type~