Repair for Claire

Poor, poor Claire hadn’t spent much time out of her box last month. Earlier in the month, while idling around, I changed her wig–and when I did so, the “schpitt” magnet system in her head was damaged. Although she hasn’t been in my possession very long and was previously un-opened, Nagisa in Preschool was released on March 18, 2007. It seems that the glue holding the metal washer in place at the top of her head aged; I removed the wig, set it aside, and while she was untouched her headcap slipped off. When I picked it up, I saw that the metal washer was attached to the magnet in the headcap, not to her head. Continue reading »

NYC Dolpa 4

I can’t stop thinking about the NYC Dolls’ Party. The tickets go on sale this weekend, and oh-my-goodness-goodness I really want to go. More than I’ve wanted to attend anything…except for Toy Fair, which I will never go to because I don’t work in the industry. ;_____; *sniffle* This at least I wouldn’t have to pull strings to get a ticket for. Continue reading »

The Nono Saga Continues

There’s a nagging thought in my mind that’s been driving me crazy–a little voice that whispers, “You want a Volks Nono.”

I try very hard to ignore the voice. I really enjoy Claire, and although I haven’t taken pictures of her in a while or purchased anything lately, she isn’t forgotten. Indeed, the only reason I haven’t purchased anything for her in a month or so is because I decided instead to purchase some things for myself and because the things I had in mind for her are sold out! (Darn that White Rose Collection gray school uniform… I know I’ll have to pay extra for it on the second-hand market… ;_; *sob*) I wonder to myself, “Should she own any lolita clothing? Where can I find cute shoes for her chubby feet?” She sits on my lap while I work on homework; my husband pats her head when he passes by. Continue reading »

A Triumphant Return

Surprise! Some Boxes

Last Monday, after coming home from a long day, I received quite a surprise: two packages! After a hectic day at work and presenting a final project during my evening class, it felt like quite a reward~ Claire had been off with Zingor, receiving new makeup more suited to a little girl, and my portion of a Volks full-choice system split. I really adore a lot of the FCS wigs–especially the pigtailed ones. (I think I’ve already complained about pigtail wigs not being parted down the back…) Continue reading »

Off She Goes!

It feels a little bit odd knowing in the house right now. I’ve finally made the decision to do it, so Claire is on her way to a customizer for new makeup. I was lucky enough to be able to commission one of my favourite face-up artists–Zingor! :3 I really admire her work–particularly because of her eyebrows. She paints some of the loveliest eyebrows I’ve seen–good shape, good detail of the individual hairs, and good placement. Even though it might sound silly, the eyebrows really matter to me! The default “Nagisa in Preschool” eyebrows bothered me so much. I couldn’t stand how they are thicker and darker on the outer edge; it looks so unnatural. Continue reading »

Here Comes Christmas

Trusty Purple Steed
Originally uploaded by sweetmilktea

A certain small doll had a very fulfilling Christmas this year, which I particularly enjoyed because I really had hoped to spoil Claire for her first Christmas. (Hopefully there will be many more with her. I do feel attached to her, but I can’t help worrying that in a few months or so I’ll be entertaining thoughts of sending her to a new home. I really want to be contented and have a doll I can enjoy.) It was nice that I didn’t have to spoil her all on my own, though!

When it comes to Christmas presents, my mother is a let-me-find-the-perfect-thing-with-hard-work-and-love kind of giver, while my father is a tell-me-what-you-want-and-where-to-buy-it kind of giver. This means that I never really know what I’m getting from my mother, regardless of hints I might drop, but that I better not tell her what I’ve outlined for my father, or I risk duplicates. However, items requested from my father are not 100% set in stone–sometimes he likes to try his hand at getting creative while other times the items in question are out of stock and he substitutes. This year, I asked my father for some items from Volks USA–the website is easy to order from, so I knew it wouldn’t be too much of a problem as long as things were still in stock. Continue reading »

Clothing Challenges

Lately I almost find myself wanting another doll out of sheer frustration at the lack of adorable clothing for the Volks Mini Super Dollfie size. Although Volks themselves makes some gorgeous, adorable outfits–in fact there are several that I am quite enamored with for the current Dolpa 22–there isn’t always wide availability. Most outfits are limited in some way; perhaps if not in release, then in overall distribution. I can’t always find what I’m looking for on the website. Continue reading »

Enabling Dolly Tendencies in Others

When I purchased my first doll, I didn’t really talk about her all that much. Although I knew a few people who owned ball-jointed dolls, my friends are primarily interested in lolita fashion; there is a bit of a stigma attached with owning ball-jointed dolls, at times. I think it is due to the often-hated stereotype that lolita girls carry dolls and stuffed animals around with them. (I’ve really never seen anyone just toting around a plushie for the fun of it when dressed nicely… I think it would be hard to coordinate with your outfit!) Also, buying something expensive like a doll means money not spent on lolita clothing, and as some people spend every last penny on the fashion, they might not understand. Continue reading »