A certain small doll had a very fulfilling Christmas this year, which I particularly enjoyed because I really had hoped to spoil Claire for her first Christmas. (Hopefully there will be many more with her. I do feel attached to her, but I can’t help worrying that in a few months or so I’ll be entertaining thoughts of sending her to a new home. I really want to be contented and have a doll I can enjoy.) It was nice that I didn’t have to spoil her all on my own, though!
When it comes to Christmas presents, my mother is a let-me-find-the-perfect-thing-with-hard-work-and-love kind of giver, while my father is a tell-me-what-you-want-and-where-to-buy-it kind of giver. This means that I never really know what I’m getting from my mother, regardless of hints I might drop, but that I better not tell her what I’ve outlined for my father, or I risk duplicates. However, items requested from my father are not 100% set in stone–sometimes he likes to try his hand at getting creative while other times the items in question are out of stock and he substitutes. This year, I asked my father for some items from Volks USA–the website is easy to order from, so I knew it wouldn’t be too much of a problem as long as things were still in stock. Continue reading